We help people injured by vaccines nationwide.
Our vaccine injury lawyers represent numerous clients from around the country. Our firm has the resources and expertise necessary to successfully handle these medically complex cases.

A strong medical background combined with legal talent differentiates us in the legal profession.
Mark T. Sadaka, Esq., MSPH
My Legacy
Mark T. Sadaka

Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined as a condition where women younger than 40 years of age have a disordered menses, elevated serum levels of hormones, and symptoms of estrogen deficiency, including hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbance, and painful urination due to vaginal dryness. POI is a rare disease affecting less than 1% of the population. An ovarian biopsy is the definitive procedure for diagnosis, however diagnosis can be based on symptoms and blood tests.
Mark Sadaka successfully argued that the viral proteins contained in Gardasil share similarity with proteins that are important to maintaining the proper function of the ovaries. The body created an immune response to Gardasil that caused an attack on specific proteins responsible for the proper function of the ovaries. The binding of those specific proteins caused them to be destroyed or otherwise rendered them dysfunctional resulting in the development of primary ovarian insufficiency. Sadaka Law is seeking other women who received Gardasil and was diagnosed with POI. The Court has stated it will rule in petitioner’s favor if we can show evidence of lymphocytic oophoritis, adrenal or ovarian autoantibodies, or other autoimmune disorders. Even if all three of these factors are not present, we may still be able to establish it more-likely-than-not that her POI is autoimmune, given her particular medical history.
1. First to win a case at hearing for HPV vaccine caused death.
2. First to obtain a settlement for influenza vaccine narcolepsy.
Vaccine Injury Help Center is a national firm with offices in new york city and new jersey. We have represented thousands of individuals harmed by pharmaceuticals, medical devices, vaccines, toxic exposure, and dangerous products.
To be dedicated advocates for our clients during one of the most trying time of their lives.
To use the power of law to right wrongs and help correct the imbalance of power that exists in society.
Dedication to our clients. Persistence in the pursuit of justice.
Mr. Sadaka took his strong commitment to helping others and opened Vaccine Injury Help Center in 2008. After working for many years in other firms driven solely by financial gain, he wanted Vaccine Injury Help Center to be different. Vaccine Injury Help Center donates to many charities and our employees donate their time to serving others in the community. We are different. We believe litigation should have a higher purpose.
Vaccine Injury Help Center has earned millions in settlements for clients in individual and class action cases involving wrongful death and failure to warn about the side effects of specific products and drugs. We take on some of the most socially significant cases, upholding the view that large corporations have a social obligation of safety and integrity when designing and selling products to consumers. Our vision is to provide a voice for individuals who are harmed by products.
Our firm’s unique skillset combines expertise in both science and law. “We are a science and law hybrid that understands the context of these medically and scientifically complex cases,” states Mr. Sadaka. This specialty has made our firm highly valued and trusted counsel to clients as well as a respected leader among colleagues.
Our goal is to be dedicated advocates for our clients during one of the most trying times of their lives.
The purpose of litigation should be to right wrongs and help correct the imbalance of power that exists in our society.
Mark T. Sadaka, Esq., MSPH
Why choose Vaccine Injury Help Center to represent you?
1. Expertise in Scientific & Legal Analysis
Our founder, Mark Sadaka, is a former scientist who combines scientific methodology with legal advocacy. Vaccine injury cases are extremely complex and require an understanding of medical science to formulate a successful strategy for your case.
2. Experience with “Big Pharma” cases
Our founder, Mark Sadaka, is a former scientist who combines scientific methodology with legal advocacy. Vaccine injury cases are extremely complex and require an understanding of medical science to formulate a successful strategy for your case.
3. Innovative and unique strategy
Our experience in other related practice areas allows us to employ “out of the box” thinking to your case. We often find a solution to the issues in your case when other attorneys fail.
4. Coverage under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
The program pays for your lawyer. Lawyer fees and costs are paid separately out of the same Vaccine Injury Fund from which compensation awards are paid. You don’t have to pay your lawyer with your own money and the lawyer’s fees and costs do not come out of your vaccine injury compensation award.
Vaccine FAQ
Does the federal government force vaccination?
The short answer is no. Your state is responsible to enacting laws when it comes to mandatory vaccination.
Merck’s lobbying for mandatory Gardasil vaccination for girls is a good example on how drug company’s lobby states for mandatory vaccination. Read about Merck’s attempts here.
Does the FDA perform studies on vaccines to make sure they are safe?
NO. This is the most common misconception in America. The FDA usually does NOT perform any tests or clinical trials. Vaccines are tested on small groups of people by the drug companies to determine if they are safe and effective before it is allowed to be released to the general population. This small group testing is called a clinical trial. The FDA does NOT perform clinical trials.
The FDA relies on clinical trials performed by drug companies to determine whether a vaccine (or any drug for that matter) is safe and effective. The FDA simply analyzes the data from these drug company sponsored trials and monitors them for compliance with the law.
Sometimes the Department of Health and Human Services or the National Institutes of Health will conduct studies. However, these are usually done in partnership with a drug company.
What about vaccines causing autism?
There has been a lot of talk about the use of chemicals in vaccines that are used to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi causing autism. These chemicals are called preservatives. One preservative in particular is called Thimersol, which contains mercury. A number of scientific studies and court decisions that have addressed the issue determined that Thimersol does not cause autism. The FDA created a website to address the Thimersol issue. Sites like AgeofAutism.com and SafeMinds.orgdisagree with the FDA’s view.
One thing is clear, however, vaccines can cause a number of conditions which cause autistic like symptoms. Encephalopathy is one of those conditions that can damage the brain and cause these symptoms. To learn more about this condition please click here.
To learn more about vaccine ingredients like preservatives please click here.
Hiring a Vaccine Lawyer FAQ
Can you still represent me if I live in another state?
Yes. A vaccine lawyer with specialized knowledge in vaccine related injuries is far more likely to obtain the maximum benefits than a local lawyer without the same experience. Our clients find it very convenient to work with us by telephone and e-mail on a regular basis.
Do I have to pay for my lawyer?
The program pays for your lawyer. Importantly, lawyers fees and costs are paid separately out of the same Vaccine Injury Fund from which awards of compensation are paid, so you don’t have to pay your lawyer with your own money and the lawyer’s fees and costs do not come out of the award of compensation for your vaccine injury.
How long do I have to file my claim?
You must act fast – only have three years to file your claim. For a vaccine related injury, your claim must be filed within 3 years after the first symptom of the vaccine injury.
What should I look for in a vaccine injury law firm?
The bottom line is expertise in handling vaccine injury claims. The law firm you select should be knowledgeable about the complexities vaccine related injuries.